Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo

The Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo (Albanian: Kryetari i Kuvendit të Kosovës, literally translated as President of the Assembly of Kosovo, or Albanian: Kryeparlamentari, literally translated as Speaker of the Parliament, Serbian: Председник Скупштине Косова / Predsednik Skupštine Kosova, literally translated as President of the Assembly of Kosovo) is a post within the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government established by the United Nations administration in Kosovo to provide 'provisional, democratic self-government' in advance of a decision on the final status of Kosovo. The Chair of the Assembly chairs the sessions of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo

The Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo (Albanian: Kryetari i Kuvendit të Kosovës, literally translated as President of the Assembly of Kosovo, or Albanian: Kryeparlamentari, literally translated as Speaker of the Parliament, Serbian: Председник Скупштине Косова / Predsednik Skupštine Kosova, literally translated as President of the Assembly of Kosovo) is a post within the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government established by the United Nations administration in Kosovo to provide 'provisional, democratic self-government' in advance of a decision on the final status of Kosovo. The Chair of the Assembly chairs the sessions of the Assembly of Kosovo.