Charles Smith (basketball, born October 1975)

Charles Smith (born 23rd October 1975) is an American-born English professional basketball player. He plays for the Newcastle Eagles in the British Basketball League. Charles is the only Eagles player who actually pre-dates Fab Flournoy at the club. His first year was 2000-2001 under coach Craig Lynch and since then apart from one year in Spain and 3 games for the Scottish Rocks he has remained an Eagle.

Charles Smith (basketball, born October 1975)

Charles Smith (born 23rd October 1975) is an American-born English professional basketball player. He plays for the Newcastle Eagles in the British Basketball League. Charles is the only Eagles player who actually pre-dates Fab Flournoy at the club. His first year was 2000-2001 under coach Craig Lynch and since then apart from one year in Spain and 3 games for the Scottish Rocks he has remained an Eagle.