Chenopodium hastatum

Chenopodium hastatum (Syn. Einadia hastata, Ragodia hastata), known by the common name of Saloop or Berry Saltbush is a small plant in the Amaranthaceae family. This species is found in coastal and inland areas of eastern Australia. Occasionally seen in rainforest gullies, though mostly seen in more open areas. Often found in the heavier soils, up to 50 cm tall. Leaves may be opposite or alternate on the stem. Triangular to broadly triangular in shape. Tiny green flowers form in summer.

Chenopodium hastatum

Chenopodium hastatum (Syn. Einadia hastata, Ragodia hastata), known by the common name of Saloop or Berry Saltbush is a small plant in the Amaranthaceae family. This species is found in coastal and inland areas of eastern Australia. Occasionally seen in rainforest gullies, though mostly seen in more open areas. Often found in the heavier soils, up to 50 cm tall. Leaves may be opposite or alternate on the stem. Triangular to broadly triangular in shape. Tiny green flowers form in summer.