
Chhut-thâu-thiⁿ (出頭天) is a slogan in the Taiwanese language of the Taiwan independence movement and its sympathizers. The literal translation is roughly ‘lift up [your] heads towards the sky’ or ‘[we shall] emerge with only the sky above [our] heads’, which means something like ‘we shall have our day’. A similar slogan in Irish republicanism is ‘Tiocfaidh ár lá’; and in South Africa, the call–response ‘Amandla! – Ngawethu!’ The phrase is also associated with Taiwanese nativist Christian theological currents of the 1970s, most notably Chhut-thâu-thiⁿ Theology.


Chhut-thâu-thiⁿ (出頭天) is a slogan in the Taiwanese language of the Taiwan independence movement and its sympathizers. The literal translation is roughly ‘lift up [your] heads towards the sky’ or ‘[we shall] emerge with only the sky above [our] heads’, which means something like ‘we shall have our day’. A similar slogan in Irish republicanism is ‘Tiocfaidh ár lá’; and in South Africa, the call–response ‘Amandla! – Ngawethu!’ The phrase is also associated with Taiwanese nativist Christian theological currents of the 1970s, most notably Chhut-thâu-thiⁿ Theology.