Chicagoland (TV series)

Chicagoland is a documentary series that debuted its pilot episode at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014. It was aired on CNN in eight successive weekly broadcasts beginning March 6, 2014, and ending April 24, 2014. It is executive produced by Robert Redford and Laura Michalchyshyn and created by Mark Benjamin and Marc Levin. The documentary received some criticism when it was revealed that there was a coordinated effort to ensure that Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel was portrayed as a "star" in the series.

Chicagoland (TV series)

Chicagoland is a documentary series that debuted its pilot episode at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014. It was aired on CNN in eight successive weekly broadcasts beginning March 6, 2014, and ending April 24, 2014. It is executive produced by Robert Redford and Laura Michalchyshyn and created by Mark Benjamin and Marc Levin. The documentary received some criticism when it was revealed that there was a coordinated effort to ensure that Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel was portrayed as a "star" in the series.