Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands

The Chief Government Architect (Dutch: Rijksbouwmeester) is the senior architect for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). The Chief Architect's responsibility is to protect and stimulate the architectural quality and urban suitability of government buildings in the Netherlands. The position was previously known as Chief National Architect (landsbouwmeester) and Royal Chief Architect (rijksarchitect). The Chief Architect has great influence on urban building projects, as he decides which architects are allowed to bid on projects of the Rijksgebouwendienst.

Chief Government Architect of the Netherlands

The Chief Government Architect (Dutch: Rijksbouwmeester) is the senior architect for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). The Chief Architect's responsibility is to protect and stimulate the architectural quality and urban suitability of government buildings in the Netherlands. The position was previously known as Chief National Architect (landsbouwmeester) and Royal Chief Architect (rijksarchitect). The Chief Architect has great influence on urban building projects, as he decides which architects are allowed to bid on projects of the Rijksgebouwendienst.