Chitty Chitty Death Bang

"Chitty Chitty Death Bang" is the third episode of the first season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. The episode follows Peter after he tries to make amends for his son, Stewie's, first birthday party when he loses their reservation at a popular kids' restaurant known as Cheesie Charlie's. Meanwhile, Meg becomes friends with an excitable girl named Jennifer, who leads her to join a death cult, in an attempt to fit in. The episode has received praise from television critic Ahsan Haque for its storyline and use of cultural references.

Chitty Chitty Death Bang

"Chitty Chitty Death Bang" is the third episode of the first season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. The episode follows Peter after he tries to make amends for his son, Stewie's, first birthday party when he loses their reservation at a popular kids' restaurant known as Cheesie Charlie's. Meanwhile, Meg becomes friends with an excitable girl named Jennifer, who leads her to join a death cult, in an attempt to fit in. The episode has received praise from television critic Ahsan Haque for its storyline and use of cultural references.