Christianity in the Gambia

Christians in the Gambia constitute approximately 8 percent (~136,400) of the country's population (1,705,000 - 2009 est.) The government did not establish a state religion, but the predominant religion is Islam, practised by approximately 90% of the country's population. Article 25 of the Constitution protects the rights of citizens to practise any religion that they choose. Intermarriage between Muslims and Christians is common. In some areas, Islam and Christianity are syncretized with animism.

Christianity in the Gambia

Christians in the Gambia constitute approximately 8 percent (~136,400) of the country's population (1,705,000 - 2009 est.) The government did not establish a state religion, but the predominant religion is Islam, practised by approximately 90% of the country's population. Article 25 of the Constitution protects the rights of citizens to practise any religion that they choose. Intermarriage between Muslims and Christians is common. In some areas, Islam and Christianity are syncretized with animism.