Christmas in Paradise

Christmas in Paradise is a 2007 Lifetime television Christmas movie which originally aired on December 15, 2007. Starring Charlotte Ross, Colin Ferguson, Devon Werkheiser, Josie Loren, Kenton Duty and Aria Wallace, the film tells the story of two families who find companionship during a Caribbean Christmas holiday, only to have their idyllic vacation disrupted by an unexpected visitor from the past. The movie was filmed entirely on location on the island of Puerto Rico in 2007, and has subsequently been rebroadcast on Lifetime every year during the holiday season as an annual Christmas film.

Christmas in Paradise

Christmas in Paradise is a 2007 Lifetime television Christmas movie which originally aired on December 15, 2007. Starring Charlotte Ross, Colin Ferguson, Devon Werkheiser, Josie Loren, Kenton Duty and Aria Wallace, the film tells the story of two families who find companionship during a Caribbean Christmas holiday, only to have their idyllic vacation disrupted by an unexpected visitor from the past. The movie was filmed entirely on location on the island of Puerto Rico in 2007, and has subsequently been rebroadcast on Lifetime every year during the holiday season as an annual Christmas film.