Clémence Isaure

Clémence Isaure is a quasi-legendary medieval figure credited with founding or restoring the Acadèmia dels Jòcs Florals or Academy of the Floral Games. She is supposed to have left a legacy to fund awards in the form of gold and silver flowers that the city would award annually to the best poets. For example, Charles Cros wrote in 1888: Toulouse! ville antique où fleurissent encorePour les poètes, vos fleurs d’or, Clémence Isaure Toulouse! ancient city where flourish stillFor poets your golden flowers, Clémence Isaure

Clémence Isaure

Clémence Isaure is a quasi-legendary medieval figure credited with founding or restoring the Acadèmia dels Jòcs Florals or Academy of the Floral Games. She is supposed to have left a legacy to fund awards in the form of gold and silver flowers that the city would award annually to the best poets. For example, Charles Cros wrote in 1888: Toulouse! ville antique où fleurissent encorePour les poètes, vos fleurs d’or, Clémence Isaure Toulouse! ancient city where flourish stillFor poets your golden flowers, Clémence Isaure