Clarion Island

Isla Clarión, formerly called Santa Rosa, is the second largest, westernmost and most remote of the Revillagigedo Islands (part of Mexico, specifically the state of Colima), located 314 kilometres (195 mi) west of Socorro Island and over 700 kilometres (430 mi) from the Mexican mainland. Two small and at least temporarily brackish pools are the only source of freshwater; even these may dry up in summers with little rain.

Clarion Island

Isla Clarión, formerly called Santa Rosa, is the second largest, westernmost and most remote of the Revillagigedo Islands (part of Mexico, specifically the state of Colima), located 314 kilometres (195 mi) west of Socorro Island and over 700 kilometres (430 mi) from the Mexican mainland. Two small and at least temporarily brackish pools are the only source of freshwater; even these may dry up in summers with little rain.