Claws in the Lease

"Claws in the Lease" is a 1963 Looney Tunes cartoon directed by Robert McKimson. The story revolves around the main characters of Sylvester and Sylvester Jr., a father cat and his son, leaving the city dump where they live, and attempting to find local home owners to take them in. After numerous attempts to trick an old woman into letting them both stay with her, there plan backfires and all three wind up living at the dump.

Claws in the Lease

"Claws in the Lease" is a 1963 Looney Tunes cartoon directed by Robert McKimson. The story revolves around the main characters of Sylvester and Sylvester Jr., a father cat and his son, leaving the city dump where they live, and attempting to find local home owners to take them in. After numerous attempts to trick an old woman into letting them both stay with her, there plan backfires and all three wind up living at the dump.