Cleon of Gordiucome

Cleon of Gordiucome (Greek: Κλέων), or Cleon the Mysian, was a 1st-century BC brigand-king in Asia Minor. Cleon made a reputation for himself with robbery and marauding warfare in and around Olympus, long occupying the fortress called by ancient geographers Callydium (Strabo) or Calydnium (Eustathius). He at first courted the favor of Mark Antony, and was awarded a good deal of land in exchange. In 40 BC Cleon's forces harried an invading body of Parthians led by Labienus.

Cleon of Gordiucome

Cleon of Gordiucome (Greek: Κλέων), or Cleon the Mysian, was a 1st-century BC brigand-king in Asia Minor. Cleon made a reputation for himself with robbery and marauding warfare in and around Olympus, long occupying the fortress called by ancient geographers Callydium (Strabo) or Calydnium (Eustathius). He at first courted the favor of Mark Antony, and was awarded a good deal of land in exchange. In 40 BC Cleon's forces harried an invading body of Parthians led by Labienus.