
clickBOOM is a global design firm, founded in Canada in 1994. clickBOOM (sometimes incorrectly spelled as two words, "Click Boom") is best known for their ports of Quake and Myst for the Amiga computer during the late 90's. A disgruntled programmer hid a text file of his complaints about his employers in the Amiga version of Myst. Since 2003 clickBOOM opened an office in the United States, exited the games market and concentrated its operation on design and software development, serving clients such as AT&T, NTT DoCoMo, Sony, Sprint Nextel, Verizon, Vodafone and more.


clickBOOM is a global design firm, founded in Canada in 1994. clickBOOM (sometimes incorrectly spelled as two words, "Click Boom") is best known for their ports of Quake and Myst for the Amiga computer during the late 90's. A disgruntled programmer hid a text file of his complaints about his employers in the Amiga version of Myst. Since 2003 clickBOOM opened an office in the United States, exited the games market and concentrated its operation on design and software development, serving clients such as AT&T, NTT DoCoMo, Sony, Sprint Nextel, Verizon, Vodafone and more.