Clinton Ehrlich

Clinton Ehrlich (born September 20, 1989) is a Visiting Researcher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, who is known for being one of the only Westerners in Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Policy, Ehrlich is embedded at the highest level of Moscow's national-security brain trust. Before his work in Moscow, Ehrlich was known for exonerating Raymond Lee Jennings, an Iraq-war veteran who spent 11 years in prison for allegedly murdering Michelle O'Keefe.

Clinton Ehrlich

Clinton Ehrlich (born September 20, 1989) is a Visiting Researcher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, who is known for being one of the only Westerners in Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Policy, Ehrlich is embedded at the highest level of Moscow's national-security brain trust. Before his work in Moscow, Ehrlich was known for exonerating Raymond Lee Jennings, an Iraq-war veteran who spent 11 years in prison for allegedly murdering Michelle O'Keefe.