Co-cathedral of Christ the King, Belgrade

The Co-cathedral of Christ the King (Croatian: Konkatedrala Krista Kralja; Serbian: ko-Katedrala Hrista Kraljako) is a Catholic place of worship located in Krunska 23, in the city center of Belgrade, Serbia. It is the oldest Catholic church in the city and was, between 1924 and 1988, the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Belgrade.

Co-cathedral of Christ the King, Belgrade

The Co-cathedral of Christ the King (Croatian: Konkatedrala Krista Kralja; Serbian: ko-Katedrala Hrista Kraljako) is a Catholic place of worship located in Krunska 23, in the city center of Belgrade, Serbia. It is the oldest Catholic church in the city and was, between 1924 and 1988, the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Belgrade.