Collection of Poems. Book 2. 1903-1909

Collection of Poems. Book 2. 1903–1909 (Russian: Собрание стихов. Книга вторая. 1889–1903) is the second book of poetry by Zinaida Gippius which comprised 62 of her poems. It was published in 1910 by Musaget (Мусагет) Publishers.

Collection of Poems. Book 2. 1903-1909

Collection of Poems. Book 2. 1903–1909 (Russian: Собрание стихов. Книга вторая. 1889–1903) is the second book of poetry by Zinaida Gippius which comprised 62 of her poems. It was published in 1910 by Musaget (Мусагет) Publishers.