Coming of Age (1988 TV series)

Coming of Age is an American sitcom that aired on CBS in the United States for three runs in 1988 and 1989. Coming of Age features Paul Dooley and Phyllis Newman as Dick and Ginny Hale, who lived in a retirement community in Arizona. Dick resented his retirement – a former airline pilot, he had been forced to retire by a Federal Aviation Administration rule that requires all U.S. commercial pilots to retire by age 60. Dick hated almost everything about his retirement, including his surroundings. He was appalled by the hot climate, the thin walls separating the Hale's apartment from that of their neighbors (Alan Young and Glynis Johns), and mostly by the contented attitude of the other residents.

Coming of Age (1988 TV series)

Coming of Age is an American sitcom that aired on CBS in the United States for three runs in 1988 and 1989. Coming of Age features Paul Dooley and Phyllis Newman as Dick and Ginny Hale, who lived in a retirement community in Arizona. Dick resented his retirement – a former airline pilot, he had been forced to retire by a Federal Aviation Administration rule that requires all U.S. commercial pilots to retire by age 60. Dick hated almost everything about his retirement, including his surroundings. He was appalled by the hot climate, the thin walls separating the Hale's apartment from that of their neighbors (Alan Young and Glynis Johns), and mostly by the contented attitude of the other residents.