Commonwealth Oaks

The Commonwealth Oaks is an American Thoroughbred horse race that since 2015 has been run at Laurel Park in Maryland. It was previously known as the Virginia Oaks when it was held at Colonial Downs in New Kent County, Virginia. It is open to three-year-old fillies who are willing to run  1 1⁄8 miles on the turf. The race was not run in 2014. It has been a Grade III event since 2008.

Commonwealth Oaks

The Commonwealth Oaks is an American Thoroughbred horse race that since 2015 has been run at Laurel Park in Maryland. It was previously known as the Virginia Oaks when it was held at Colonial Downs in New Kent County, Virginia. It is open to three-year-old fillies who are willing to run  1 1⁄8 miles on the turf. The race was not run in 2014. It has been a Grade III event since 2008.