Comparison of Object Pascal and C

The computer programming languages C and Object Pascal have similar times of origin, influences, and purposes. Both were used to design (and compile) their own compilers early in their lifetimes. Both C and Pascal are old programming languages: The original Pascal definition appeared in 1969 and a first compiler in 1970. The first version of C appeared in 1972. While C didn't change much in time, Pascal has evolved a lot and nowadays the vast majority of Pascal programming is done in modern Object Pascal, not in the old procedural Pascal. The old procedural Pascal today is essentially limited to microcontroller programming with tools such as mikroPascal, while Object Pascal is the main dialect and is used with tools such as Delphi, Lazarus (IDE) and Free Pascal.

Comparison of Object Pascal and C

The computer programming languages C and Object Pascal have similar times of origin, influences, and purposes. Both were used to design (and compile) their own compilers early in their lifetimes. Both C and Pascal are old programming languages: The original Pascal definition appeared in 1969 and a first compiler in 1970. The first version of C appeared in 1972. While C didn't change much in time, Pascal has evolved a lot and nowadays the vast majority of Pascal programming is done in modern Object Pascal, not in the old procedural Pascal. The old procedural Pascal today is essentially limited to microcontroller programming with tools such as mikroPascal, while Object Pascal is the main dialect and is used with tools such as Delphi, Lazarus (IDE) and Free Pascal.