Composition drift

Composition drift occurs during the process of free radical copolymerization causing variation in the instantaneous mole fraction of a monomer added to copolymer, therefore altering the chemical composition of the copolymer over the period of conversion. Composition drift in some degree will occur unless the reactivity ratios for both monomers are equal to 1. In this case, each monomer prefers reaction with itself and the other monomer equally. This causes equal rates of consumption for copolymer formation and leads to random copolymerization.

Composition drift

Composition drift occurs during the process of free radical copolymerization causing variation in the instantaneous mole fraction of a monomer added to copolymer, therefore altering the chemical composition of the copolymer over the period of conversion. Composition drift in some degree will occur unless the reactivity ratios for both monomers are equal to 1. In this case, each monomer prefers reaction with itself and the other monomer equally. This causes equal rates of consumption for copolymer formation and leads to random copolymerization.