Con Chrisoulis

Con Chrisoulis is a Greek Australian multidisciplinary artist, most famous for his long-running independent comic Tales of Unsurpassed Vanity (Greek: Ιστορίες Ατελείωτης Ματαιοδοξίας) and his graphic novels, Giant-Size Fascists, Tales of The Smiths, Dryland and Rebel Rebel. The themes in his work almost exclusively involve matters of social injustice and prejudice (from sexism to racism to classism) to the broader plagues of society like nationalism, war or state violence and political corruption.

Con Chrisoulis

Con Chrisoulis is a Greek Australian multidisciplinary artist, most famous for his long-running independent comic Tales of Unsurpassed Vanity (Greek: Ιστορίες Ατελείωτης Ματαιοδοξίας) and his graphic novels, Giant-Size Fascists, Tales of The Smiths, Dryland and Rebel Rebel. The themes in his work almost exclusively involve matters of social injustice and prejudice (from sexism to racism to classism) to the broader plagues of society like nationalism, war or state violence and political corruption.