Conductance quantum

The conductance quantum, denoted by the symbol G0 is the quantized unit of electrical conductance. It is defined as: = 7.7480917346(25)×10−5 S. It appears when measuring the conductance of a quantum point contact, and, more generally, is a key component of Landauer formula which relates the electrical conductance of a quantum conductor to its quantum properties. It is twice the reciprocal of the von Klitzing constant (2/RK).

Conductance quantum

The conductance quantum, denoted by the symbol G0 is the quantized unit of electrical conductance. It is defined as: = 7.7480917346(25)×10−5 S. It appears when measuring the conductance of a quantum point contact, and, more generally, is a key component of Landauer formula which relates the electrical conductance of a quantum conductor to its quantum properties. It is twice the reciprocal of the von Klitzing constant (2/RK).