Conservative Party (Mexico)

The Conservative Party was a Mexican political party who sought to preserve the organization and colonial Spanish values, both in government and in society. Although as a party was founded in 1849, after the defeat of Mexico in the war with the United States, most of the political ideology directly descended from the Jesuits expelled in the 18th century, and the establishment of a Criollism or Hispanism sentiment, which then emerged and were strongly influenced by conservative European thoughts. Also advocated the preservation and supremacy of the Criollos élite culture (Mexicans of full Spanish ancestry) over those of mestizo or indigenous. It was a party of élilte, made by white landowners and aristocrats. The Conservative party disappeared in 1867, after the fall of Maximilian I of Mexi

Conservative Party (Mexico)

The Conservative Party was a Mexican political party who sought to preserve the organization and colonial Spanish values, both in government and in society. Although as a party was founded in 1849, after the defeat of Mexico in the war with the United States, most of the political ideology directly descended from the Jesuits expelled in the 18th century, and the establishment of a Criollism or Hispanism sentiment, which then emerged and were strongly influenced by conservative European thoughts. Also advocated the preservation and supremacy of the Criollos élite culture (Mexicans of full Spanish ancestry) over those of mestizo or indigenous. It was a party of élilte, made by white landowners and aristocrats. The Conservative party disappeared in 1867, after the fall of Maximilian I of Mexi