Contrabass recorder

The contrabass or great bass recorder is a wind instrument in F2 that belongs to the family of recorders. The contrabass recorder plays an octave lower than the ordinary bass (or "basset") recorder. Until recently, it was the largest instrument in the recorder family, but since 1975 has been exceeded by the sub-great bass recorder (also called "contra-great bass" or simply "contrabass" recorder) in C2 and the sub-contrabass recorder in F1. Occasionally, this size of instrument may be equipped with so-called "diapason" keys, which extend its range downward by a perfect fourth to low C2 (, 248).

Contrabass recorder

The contrabass or great bass recorder is a wind instrument in F2 that belongs to the family of recorders. The contrabass recorder plays an octave lower than the ordinary bass (or "basset") recorder. Until recently, it was the largest instrument in the recorder family, but since 1975 has been exceeded by the sub-great bass recorder (also called "contra-great bass" or simply "contrabass" recorder) in C2 and the sub-contrabass recorder in F1. Occasionally, this size of instrument may be equipped with so-called "diapason" keys, which extend its range downward by a perfect fourth to low C2 (, 248).