Convoy HG 76

HG 76 was an Allied convoy of the HG (Homeward from Gibraltar) series during World War II. It was notable in seeing the destruction of five German U-boats (the true total was not known to the British until after the war) and two Focke-Wulf Condor long-range reconnaissance aircraft by fighters, flying from the escort carrier HMS Audacity, for the loss of Audacity, a destroyer and two merchant ships. It was regarded as the first big convoy victory for the Allies in the Battle of the Atlantic.

Convoy HG 76

HG 76 was an Allied convoy of the HG (Homeward from Gibraltar) series during World War II. It was notable in seeing the destruction of five German U-boats (the true total was not known to the British until after the war) and two Focke-Wulf Condor long-range reconnaissance aircraft by fighters, flying from the escort carrier HMS Audacity, for the loss of Audacity, a destroyer and two merchant ships. It was regarded as the first big convoy victory for the Allies in the Battle of the Atlantic.