Copy-evident document

Copy-evident documents have features that make it detectable that a copy is not the original. In security printing various methods such as void pantograph are used to create patterns that are hard to copy exactly and when copied inexactly produces an easily detectable image. This can include halftone screens that are affected by the copying process, fine line patterns in different directions that are differently affected by copying and hence produce a mark, metallic inks causing diffraction or reflection.

Copy-evident document

Copy-evident documents have features that make it detectable that a copy is not the original. In security printing various methods such as void pantograph are used to create patterns that are hard to copy exactly and when copied inexactly produces an easily detectable image. This can include halftone screens that are affected by the copying process, fine line patterns in different directions that are differently affected by copying and hence produce a mark, metallic inks causing diffraction or reflection.