Coral 66

CORAL (Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language) is a programming language originally developed in 1964 at the Royal Radar Establishment (RRE), Malvern, UK, as a subset of JOVIAL. Coral 66 was subsequently developed by I. F. Currie and M. Griffiths under the auspices of IECCA (Inter-Establishment Committee forComputer Applications). Its official definition, edited by Woodward, Wetherall and Gorman, was first published in 1970.

Coral 66

CORAL (Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language) is a programming language originally developed in 1964 at the Royal Radar Establishment (RRE), Malvern, UK, as a subset of JOVIAL. Coral 66 was subsequently developed by I. F. Currie and M. Griffiths under the auspices of IECCA (Inter-Establishment Committee forComputer Applications). Its official definition, edited by Woodward, Wetherall and Gorman, was first published in 1970.