Corn Quistos

Corn Quistos (spelled "CORN-QUISTOS" on the bag and referred to elsewhere online as "Cornquistos") were a snack manufactured by American confectionery company M&M/Mars in the 1980s. They were introduced by Mars/M&M along with Combos, around 1984, after the development of "co-extrusion" technology. Flavors included nacho cheese, taco, jalapeño, mild cheese, and picante. The snack's marketing campaign featured the slogan, "The corn crunch with fillings that say...olé!" Also featured in television ads were Spanish conquistadors (called "CORNquistadors" in the ads) coming " claim America for Corn Quistos." These ads featured the slogan, "One crunch and you're conquered."

Corn Quistos

Corn Quistos (spelled "CORN-QUISTOS" on the bag and referred to elsewhere online as "Cornquistos") were a snack manufactured by American confectionery company M&M/Mars in the 1980s. They were introduced by Mars/M&M along with Combos, around 1984, after the development of "co-extrusion" technology. Flavors included nacho cheese, taco, jalapeño, mild cheese, and picante. The snack's marketing campaign featured the slogan, "The corn crunch with fillings that say...olé!" Also featured in television ads were Spanish conquistadors (called "CORNquistadors" in the ads) coming " claim America for Corn Quistos." These ads featured the slogan, "One crunch and you're conquered."