Cowgirl's Story

Cowgirl's Story is an upcoming military drama, written and directed by Timothy Armstrong. The story is about Dusty Rhodes, a young cowgirl from Texas whose mother is off fighting in Afghanistan. She befriends a group of kids which includes a goth girl named Savanah Stocker whose father was killed in action in Iraq three years earlier. Dusty gets the school to agree to an equestrian drill team and she enlists her new friends to join the team. But as Dusty and the team practice, Dusty deals with the fears of her mother fighting in Afghanistan and the possibility that her mother might not come home alive.

Cowgirl's Story

Cowgirl's Story is an upcoming military drama, written and directed by Timothy Armstrong. The story is about Dusty Rhodes, a young cowgirl from Texas whose mother is off fighting in Afghanistan. She befriends a group of kids which includes a goth girl named Savanah Stocker whose father was killed in action in Iraq three years earlier. Dusty gets the school to agree to an equestrian drill team and she enlists her new friends to join the team. But as Dusty and the team practice, Dusty deals with the fears of her mother fighting in Afghanistan and the possibility that her mother might not come home alive.