Coyote Blue

Coyote Blue is the second novel by Christopher Moore, published in 1994. The plot concerns a salesman in Santa Barbara, California, named Sam Hunter (a Crow Indian born Samson Hunts Alone) who, as a teenager, fled his home when he was involved in the death of a law officer. The novel begins when the adult Sam has his life turned upside down by Coyote, the ancient Native American trickster-god. One of the minor characters, "Minty Fresh" becomes an important feature of Moore's later work A Dirty Job.

Coyote Blue

Coyote Blue is the second novel by Christopher Moore, published in 1994. The plot concerns a salesman in Santa Barbara, California, named Sam Hunter (a Crow Indian born Samson Hunts Alone) who, as a teenager, fled his home when he was involved in the death of a law officer. The novel begins when the adult Sam has his life turned upside down by Coyote, the ancient Native American trickster-god. One of the minor characters, "Minty Fresh" becomes an important feature of Moore's later work A Dirty Job.