Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre

The Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre (CFRC) was an Australian fisheries research centre located in the southern Sydney suburb of Cronulla in the state of New South Wales. Despite a long history of internationally recognised research a decision was made by the New South Wales Government in 2011 to decentralise the Centres' functions and staff to regional locations. A Parliamentary enquiry was held between June and September 2012, and its report tabled in October 2012. The enquiry chairman, Fred Nile MLC, said they found: "... an overwhelming case to retain the scientific staff, facilities and support personnel at the Centre ....". The Government rejected this recommendation in December 2012, and in 2013 the Centre was closed. In 2014 the Government committed itself to keeping the site in

Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre

The Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre (CFRC) was an Australian fisheries research centre located in the southern Sydney suburb of Cronulla in the state of New South Wales. Despite a long history of internationally recognised research a decision was made by the New South Wales Government in 2011 to decentralise the Centres' functions and staff to regional locations. A Parliamentary enquiry was held between June and September 2012, and its report tabled in October 2012. The enquiry chairman, Fred Nile MLC, said they found: "... an overwhelming case to retain the scientific staff, facilities and support personnel at the Centre ....". The Government rejected this recommendation in December 2012, and in 2013 the Centre was closed. In 2014 the Government committed itself to keeping the site in