Cured Duck

Cured Duck is a 1945 American animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney and directed by Jack King. It stars Clarence Nash as the voice of Donald and Gloria Blondell as the voice of Daisy, respectively. The cartoon features Donald going to visit Daisy, but his temper control problems cause him to wreck the house and get kicked out. To cure himself of his temper, he gets a machine that proceeds to deliver physical and angering abuse.

Cured Duck

Cured Duck is a 1945 American animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney and directed by Jack King. It stars Clarence Nash as the voice of Donald and Gloria Blondell as the voice of Daisy, respectively. The cartoon features Donald going to visit Daisy, but his temper control problems cause him to wreck the house and get kicked out. To cure himself of his temper, he gets a machine that proceeds to deliver physical and angering abuse.