Cyborg Foundation

The Cyborg Foundation is a nonprofit organization created in 2010 by cyborg activist and artist Neil Harbisson and his long-time partner, choreographer Moon Ribas. The foundation is an institution for the research, creation and promotion of projects related to extending and creating new senses and perceptions by applying technology to the human body. The Cyborg Foundation was first housed in Tecnocampus scientific park in Mataro (Province of Barcelona) and is currently based in New York. It collaborates with several institutions, universities and research centers around the world.

Cyborg Foundation

The Cyborg Foundation is a nonprofit organization created in 2010 by cyborg activist and artist Neil Harbisson and his long-time partner, choreographer Moon Ribas. The foundation is an institution for the research, creation and promotion of projects related to extending and creating new senses and perceptions by applying technology to the human body. The Cyborg Foundation was first housed in Tecnocampus scientific park in Mataro (Province of Barcelona) and is currently based in New York. It collaborates with several institutions, universities and research centers around the world.