Cycle polo

Cycle polo is a team sport, similar to traditional polo, except that bicycles are used instead of horses. There are 2 versions of the sport: grass and Hardcourt Bike Polo. The hardcourt game has seen a sharp spike in interest as of 2007 and new teams are sprouting up across the world - in the USA, Ireland, Switzerland, France, India, Germany, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, England, Scotland, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Canada, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Nepal, Brazil and Cuba.

Cycle polo

Cycle polo is a team sport, similar to traditional polo, except that bicycles are used instead of horses. There are 2 versions of the sport: grass and Hardcourt Bike Polo. The hardcourt game has seen a sharp spike in interest as of 2007 and new teams are sprouting up across the world - in the USA, Ireland, Switzerland, France, India, Germany, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, England, Scotland, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Canada, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Nepal, Brazil and Cuba.