DRG Class 86

The DRG Class 86 was a standard (see Einheitsdampflokomotive) goods train tank locomotive with the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. It was intended for duties on branch lines and was delivered by almost all the locomotive building firms working for the Reichsbahn. From 1942 it was built in a simplified version as a 'transitional war locomotive' (Übergangskriegslokomotive or ÜK). The most obvious changes were the omission of the second side windows in the cab and the solid disc carrying wheels.

DRG Class 86

The DRG Class 86 was a standard (see Einheitsdampflokomotive) goods train tank locomotive with the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. It was intended for duties on branch lines and was delivered by almost all the locomotive building firms working for the Reichsbahn. From 1942 it was built in a simplified version as a 'transitional war locomotive' (Übergangskriegslokomotive or ÜK). The most obvious changes were the omission of the second side windows in the cab and the solid disc carrying wheels.