Daniel Sullivan (American frontier)

Daniel Sullivan was an 18th-century military figure in the North American frontier. Sullivan (1754/5-1790) was raised in Virginia. At age 9, he and another boy, Cunningham, were captured by a party of Delaware. Each was adopted and raised along the Muskingum River. In 1772, the two accompanied a trading party to Fort Pitt, where Sullivan was recognized by his brother-in-law, Zadock Wright. Wright successfully bought the two teenage boys, but Sullivan refused to leave his Delaware family unless Wright gave him a beaver hat.

Daniel Sullivan (American frontier)

Daniel Sullivan was an 18th-century military figure in the North American frontier. Sullivan (1754/5-1790) was raised in Virginia. At age 9, he and another boy, Cunningham, were captured by a party of Delaware. Each was adopted and raised along the Muskingum River. In 1772, the two accompanied a trading party to Fort Pitt, where Sullivan was recognized by his brother-in-law, Zadock Wright. Wright successfully bought the two teenage boys, but Sullivan refused to leave his Delaware family unless Wright gave him a beaver hat.