Data Infosys

Data Infosys Limited (DIL). is an Indian information and communications technology CMMi Level 5 certified company. It is a part of the Data Group of Industries with annual turnover of approx USD 200 million. DIL was recently featured among top 20 most promising enterprise software product companies by technology magazine CIO Review. Data Infosys also featured in top 10 ISPs in India and also serving Indian state-owned telecommunications company BSNL with its software product XgenPlus.

Data Infosys

Data Infosys Limited (DIL). is an Indian information and communications technology CMMi Level 5 certified company. It is a part of the Data Group of Industries with annual turnover of approx USD 200 million. DIL was recently featured among top 20 most promising enterprise software product companies by technology magazine CIO Review. Data Infosys also featured in top 10 ISPs in India and also serving Indian state-owned telecommunications company BSNL with its software product XgenPlus.