David M. Rasmussen

David M. Rasmussen is an American Philosopher and Professor at Boston College. He is the founder and editor in chief of Philosophy and Social Criticism and is a noted political and social philosopher. Widely held at libraries, Rasmussen is the author of 21 books, including Reading Habermas and Handbook of Critical Theory and has written extensively on international justice and human rights. He currently serves on the executive committee of the Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.

David M. Rasmussen

David M. Rasmussen is an American Philosopher and Professor at Boston College. He is the founder and editor in chief of Philosophy and Social Criticism and is a noted political and social philosopher. Widely held at libraries, Rasmussen is the author of 21 books, including Reading Habermas and Handbook of Critical Theory and has written extensively on international justice and human rights. He currently serves on the executive committee of the Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.