Day of Atonement (film)

Day of Atonement (original French title:Le Grand Pardon II) is a 1992 127-minute longer sequel to film Le Grand pardon, film directed by Alexandre Arcady starring Roger Hanin, Richard Berry, Gérard Darmon and Jill Clayburgh. The film also features famous American film stars Christopher Walken and Jennifer Beals. Filming locations include: Miami, Florida, United States and France.

Day of Atonement (film)

Day of Atonement (original French title:Le Grand Pardon II) is a 1992 127-minute longer sequel to film Le Grand pardon, film directed by Alexandre Arcady starring Roger Hanin, Richard Berry, Gérard Darmon and Jill Clayburgh. The film also features famous American film stars Christopher Walken and Jennifer Beals. Filming locations include: Miami, Florida, United States and France.