De Loys' Ape

De Loys' Ape, given the proposed scientific names Ameranthropoides loysi and Ateles loysi, is an alleged large primate reported by Swiss geological explorer François de Loys in South America. The only evidence for the animal besides de Loys' testimony is one photograph. It was promoted by George Montandon as a previously unknown species, but is now usually considered a misidentification of a spider monkey species or a hoax.

De Loys' Ape

De Loys' Ape, given the proposed scientific names Ameranthropoides loysi and Ateles loysi, is an alleged large primate reported by Swiss geological explorer François de Loys in South America. The only evidence for the animal besides de Loys' testimony is one photograph. It was promoted by George Montandon as a previously unknown species, but is now usually considered a misidentification of a spider monkey species or a hoax.