Dead Space (series)

Dead Space is a third-person shooter video game series created by Glen Schofield, developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. The franchise centers on a series of video games of the third-person shooter genre, and also includes two motion pictures and a comic book series, with more media planned for the future. The series began in 2008 as an eponymous video game aimed at creating, in Schofield's words, "the most terrifying game we could"; the game was a success and spawned a prequel and later a sequel released in 2011.

Dead Space (series)

Dead Space is a third-person shooter video game series created by Glen Schofield, developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. The franchise centers on a series of video games of the third-person shooter genre, and also includes two motion pictures and a comic book series, with more media planned for the future. The series began in 2008 as an eponymous video game aimed at creating, in Schofield's words, "the most terrifying game we could"; the game was a success and spawned a prequel and later a sequel released in 2011.