Death Valley (TV series)

Death Valley is a horror black comedy mockumentary television series broadcast on MTV. The series premiered on August 29, 2011. The series follows the Undead Task Force (UTF), a newly formed division of the LAPD, as they are filmed by a camera news crew documentary-style, as they capture the monsters that roam the streets of San Fernando Valley in California. In March, 2012, the show's creator announced that Death Valley had not been picked up for a second season.

Death Valley (TV series)

Death Valley is a horror black comedy mockumentary television series broadcast on MTV. The series premiered on August 29, 2011. The series follows the Undead Task Force (UTF), a newly formed division of the LAPD, as they are filmed by a camera news crew documentary-style, as they capture the monsters that roam the streets of San Fernando Valley in California. In March, 2012, the show's creator announced that Death Valley had not been picked up for a second season.