Decimation (comics)

"Decimation" is a storyline event published by Marvel Comics in 2005, spinning out of the events of the House of M limited series. The event started with a one-shot issue and took place in a number of various series all carrying the "Decimation" logo on the cover. The 2005 mini-series Generation M, Sentinel Squad O*N*E, X-Men: Deadly Genesis and X-Men: The 198 were all launched specifically for the "Decimation" storyline. The various stories were collected in five Trade paper backs.

Decimation (comics)

"Decimation" is a storyline event published by Marvel Comics in 2005, spinning out of the events of the House of M limited series. The event started with a one-shot issue and took place in a number of various series all carrying the "Decimation" logo on the cover. The 2005 mini-series Generation M, Sentinel Squad O*N*E, X-Men: Deadly Genesis and X-Men: The 198 were all launched specifically for the "Decimation" storyline. The various stories were collected in five Trade paper backs.