
Demomakers are multimedia authoring programs used in creating real-time rendered non-interactive audiovisual shows known as demos. Demomakers have usually been developed by demoscene groups for their internal use, but many of them are also publicly available with no cost. Many demosceners prefer to reserve the word demomaker exclusively for the early programs and call the current software demotools. In the broad sense of the word, however, demotools may also include non-demomaker programs such as trackers, specialized graphics editors and executable compressors.


Demomakers are multimedia authoring programs used in creating real-time rendered non-interactive audiovisual shows known as demos. Demomakers have usually been developed by demoscene groups for their internal use, but many of them are also publicly available with no cost. Many demosceners prefer to reserve the word demomaker exclusively for the early programs and call the current software demotools. In the broad sense of the word, however, demotools may also include non-demomaker programs such as trackers, specialized graphics editors and executable compressors.