Deposit Insurance Agency of Russia

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) (Russian: Агентство по страхованию вкладов) is a Russian state corporation (non-profit organization) providing deposit insurance in the Russian Federation. Its headquarters are located in Moscow. Owing to the enactment of the Federal Law «On amendments to the Federal Law "On insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions" and declaration invalid of some legal acts of the Russian Federation» dated 20.08.2004 # 121-FZ an institute of corporate Receiver of insolvent banks was established in Russia. The functions of the Receiver were delegated to the Agency.

Deposit Insurance Agency of Russia

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) (Russian: Агентство по страхованию вкладов) is a Russian state corporation (non-profit organization) providing deposit insurance in the Russian Federation. Its headquarters are located in Moscow. Owing to the enactment of the Federal Law «On amendments to the Federal Law "On insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions" and declaration invalid of some legal acts of the Russian Federation» dated 20.08.2004 # 121-FZ an institute of corporate Receiver of insolvent banks was established in Russia. The functions of the Receiver were delegated to the Agency.