Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand

The Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand is the second most senior minister in the Government of New Zealand, although this seniority does not necessarily translate into power. Generally, the position is held by the deputy leader of the ruling party, but now that the MMP electoral system makes coalitions more likely, the role may instead go to the leader of a junior party. This occurred with Winston Peters, leader of New Zealand First, and Jim Anderton, leader of the Alliance.

Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand

The Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand is the second most senior minister in the Government of New Zealand, although this seniority does not necessarily translate into power. Generally, the position is held by the deputy leader of the ruling party, but now that the MMP electoral system makes coalitions more likely, the role may instead go to the leader of a junior party. This occurred with Winston Peters, leader of New Zealand First, and Jim Anderton, leader of the Alliance.