
Dervan or Derwan (Latin: Dervanus) was an early prince of the Sorbs (fl. 615–636). He is mentioned by Fredegar in his Latin chronicle as dux gente Surbiorum que ex genere Sclavinorum: "ruler of the people of the Surbi (Sorb autonym: Serby, Serb autonym: Srbi) from the nation of the Slavs". He is the first ruler of the tribe mentioned by name. Fredegar records him being subordinate to the Franks for a long time and then joining the Slavic union of Samo. After the defeat of the Frankish king Dagobert I by king Samo near Wogastisburg in 631 or 632, Dervan declared independence from the Franks and "placed himself and his people under the rule of Samo".


Dervan or Derwan (Latin: Dervanus) was an early prince of the Sorbs (fl. 615–636). He is mentioned by Fredegar in his Latin chronicle as dux gente Surbiorum que ex genere Sclavinorum: "ruler of the people of the Surbi (Sorb autonym: Serby, Serb autonym: Srbi) from the nation of the Slavs". He is the first ruler of the tribe mentioned by name. Fredegar records him being subordinate to the Franks for a long time and then joining the Slavic union of Samo. After the defeat of the Frankish king Dagobert I by king Samo near Wogastisburg in 631 or 632, Dervan declared independence from the Franks and "placed himself and his people under the rule of Samo".