Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) is a set of rules for describing archives, personal papers, and manuscript collections. The descriptive standard can be utilized for all types of archival material. In 2004, DACS was adopted by the Society of American Archivists as an official standard. In January 2013, the society officially adopted the second edition, after review by their Standards Committee, its Technical Subcommittee for Describing Archives: A Content Standard, and the general archival community.

Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) is a set of rules for describing archives, personal papers, and manuscript collections. The descriptive standard can be utilized for all types of archival material. In 2004, DACS was adopted by the Society of American Archivists as an official standard. In January 2013, the society officially adopted the second edition, after review by their Standards Committee, its Technical Subcommittee for Describing Archives: A Content Standard, and the general archival community.