Destination of Leavers from Higher Education

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey or DLHE is a statistical survey which aims to contact UK and EU domiciled graduates from higher education (HE) programmes six months after qualifying from their HE course. Its aim is to establish what type of employment or further study they were engaged in, and their income, on one specific day in the survey period. The results are often used by league tables of British universities compiled by newspapers. The newspapers purchase the data from HESA.

Destination of Leavers from Higher Education

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey or DLHE is a statistical survey which aims to contact UK and EU domiciled graduates from higher education (HE) programmes six months after qualifying from their HE course. Its aim is to establish what type of employment or further study they were engaged in, and their income, on one specific day in the survey period. The results are often used by league tables of British universities compiled by newspapers. The newspapers purchase the data from HESA.